Are you tired of googling how to design professional resume? Also, i am sure you must have of tired of trying to find best online resume builder. Let me say something. 'It is YOUR resume and YOU have to design it'. Just question yourself, If you can't even build your own resume, how could you possible think that you are eligible for doing some professional job. To design a resume, you need guidelines and advises. not the resume builders. I will advice you how to design it. Just download the the document and i am sure it will help you.
Resume must be in one page and alll the text better to be in professional font and i recommend 'Times New Roman'. Heading must be size of 14px and rest 12px. I haven't used proper size for the proper picture size.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment it. I hope you would check other posts also and you might like them.
This blog isn't about some specific thing. I post anything i think of.