Usually, a state is depicted by rectangle with rounded corners with description label in it. Most of the time states are depicted using rounded rectangles on behavioral state machine. But, Initial state and final state is depicted by filled-in circle and circle surrounding a small filled-in circle respectively. Only in exceptional cases like these (i.e., Start and End states), the state is depicted differently and for the rest of the states is same.
A transition is relationship that indicates the movement of an object between the two states. Usually, transitions occur because of some various aspects.
Guard Condition: It is a Boolean expression that has attributes values and transition occurs only if the Boolean value is true.
Action of an Event: If an event triggers an outcome of an action may leads the object to move from one state to another state nothing but transition. This action usually an uninterrupted and non-decomposable process which takes very less time.
Activity: The occurrence of transition because some activities which takes long period to complete and they can be stopped or started by an action. Activities are decomposable processes and they can be interrupted any time.
Steps to create:
There are five-step process used to build a behavioral state machine as follows
First, Determine the context of the behavioral state machines which is usually class and it can be set of classes, subsystem or an entire system.
Second, identify the various states of an object throughout the process. Which includes establishment of boundaries of existence, identifying initial and final states, and stable states of an object.
Third, determine the sequence of states that an object will pass over in its lifetime. Usually, the states are placed in a left-to-right order in behavioral state machine.
Fourth, identify the actions, events and guard conditions which associated with the transition between the states.
And Lastly, Validate the entire behavioral state diagram to make sure that is it possible to reach each state and also possible to leave all states except the final state.
Usually, a state is depicted by rectangle with rounded corners with description label in it. Most of the time states are depicted using rounded rectangles on behavioral state machine. But, Initial state and final state is depicted by filled-in circle and circle surrounding a small filled-in circle respectively. Only in exceptional cases like these (i.e., Start and End states), the state is depicted differently and for the rest of the states is same.
A transition is relationship that indicates the movement of an object between the two states. Usually, transitions occur because of some various aspects.
Guard Condition: It is a Boolean expression that has attributes values and transition occurs only if the Boolean value is true.
Action of an Event: If an event triggers an outcome of an action may leads the object to move from one state to another state nothing but transition. This action usually an uninterrupted and non-decomposable process which takes very less time.
Activity: The occurrence of transition because some activities which takes long period to complete and they can be stopped or started by an action. Activities are decomposable processes and they can be interrupted any time.
Steps to create:
There are five-step process used to build a behavioral state machine as follows
First, Determine the context of the behavioral state machines which is usually class and it can be set of classes, subsystem or an entire system.
Second, identify the various states of an object throughout the process. Which includes establishment of boundaries of existence, identifying initial and final states, and stable states of an object.
Third, determine the sequence of states that an object will pass over in its lifetime. Usually, the states are placed in a left-to-right order in behavioral state machine.
Fourth, identify the actions, events and guard conditions which associated with the transition between the states.
And Lastly, Validate the entire behavioral state diagram to make sure that is it possible to reach each state and also possible to leave all states except the final state.