What is Documentation ?

Documentation is a formally written material of information that describes the product to the users which includes technical manual and troubleshooting description. It is an essential element to help the user to learn the functions of the particular product. A good documentation can provide better understanding of product and its features to make the business process more reliable.

  • It provides the details of an instructions and troubleshooting guide of the product to ease the customer experience with the product.
  • Formally and clearly written material helps the user to avoid making an errors with the product.
  • Providing detailed product knowledge to the customer helps in understanding greater functionality of the product.
  • Documentation reduces the cost of training and development as well as technical support for the organization.
  • Continuous documentation of product development keeps product schedules and checkpoints on track to complete the project on time.


  • Understanding the documentation is not always easy especially for the users who unaware of technical aspect may face trouble in understanding technical language.
  • Documentation material may become old and no longer useful with the product because of regular product updates.
  • Apart from keeping each and every details on track while developing the product, documenting is a time consuming for some complex projects which contains many sets of tasks to perform.