Verification and Validation of Functional Model

Verification and Validation of Functional Model

Functional modal has many different representations like activity diagram, use-case diagram, and use-case descriptions. There are set of rules to ensure the representations are consistent among themselves in order to verify and validate functional modal as follows.

  • In comparison of use-case description and activity diagram, at least one event in flow of events of the use case description should be associated with an activity in activity diagram.
  • An object node of an activity must be represented in normal flow of events of the use case description.
  • Order of sequence in use-case description should be same as sequential order of the activities in activity diagram.
  • In comparison of use-case diagram with use-case description, each use case must have only one use-case description and vice versa.
  • Each and every actor in use-case description must be included in use-case diagram as well. Each actor must be associated with its use case and also must be listed as same association relationship in use-case description.
  • Sometimes, there is a chance to include the stakeholders in use-case description as actors in use-case diagram.
  • All the rest relationships such as ‘extend’ and ‘include’ listed in use-case descriptions must be included in use-case diagrams.
  • Each and every representation must satisfy the diagram-specific requirements of the functional modal.