Observational Reserach and Focus Group Reserach

Let us Consider the Product-A, Vegetarian kibble dog food. To study the potential reception of the product, ‘Observational Research’ and ‘Focus Group Research’ are the two types of research can perform with respect to the product. Here, for the product ‘the vegetarian kibble dog food’, observational research is best suitable to determine future potential. Observational research is a technique, which needs our personal observation or involvement to determine the product. 

Observational Research of product can be done by some of the techniques as follows:

Observing the color and quality of package of product.
Determining the economic condition of the store which the product sold in.
Determining the time it takes to make a decision on purchase of the product.

Now consider Product-B, ‘Skin lotion formulated for hard-to-read places on one’s body’. Among the two possible study techniques, Focus groups is the valid research technique for this product, Which involves the casual conversation between the group of people about their opinions, perception, idea, packaging, advertisement and concept towards the product. This study is conducted to decide the release of the product into the market. Such that, the group members must be the part of company.

Focus Groups can be performed by some of the ways as follows:
#  An informal interview is conducted between the group of people where anybody can express their own views and ideas towards the product.
#  Testing the product before made it available in the market.
#  Acquiring the feedback from the customers about the new available products in the market helps to get some valuable data about the product’s potential acceptance.