1. Windows 7 DVD
2. Windows XP CD
3. EasyBCD 2.1.2 Software
1. Make The Drive Empty With Around 15GB min
2. Install Windows XP with CD.
3. Then Install Win 7 (Procedure) into same drive you have installed XP before.
Making Dual Boot:
1. Download easyBCD and Install it.
2. Open easyBCD You will Get Screen Like this :
3. Select "Add New Entry" Option On left side Here :
4. You'll get Like below :
5. Select "Windows" tab in "Add New Entry"
6. We have to change the "type" option
7. Change the type option from "Windows Vista/7" to "Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3"
8. Check the box "Automatically Detect Correct drive"
9. Click "Add Entry" Option
10. Select "Edit Boot Menu" option on left side
11. You'll get Below
12. Observe Entry List having two options "windows 7" & "windows XP" (not listed above image)
13. Click "Save Settings" option
14. Close the window
15. Restart Your System
16. You'll get like this on booting
17. That's It........ It's All Done.....!!!