DNS Hacking

If you read the SHUT-UP, it would be easy to understand and which might helps you to do some other stuff with DNS for yourself.

# Locate 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc' in your PC:

# Copy the 'Hosts' file to desktop (or somewhere out of the C:drive)
# Open 'Hosts' file with Notepad. You'll find windows like below :

# Now, what you have to do is map the domain name with fake one.

For example let's consider
Domain: www.google.com : Actual Ip:;
# Now lets begin the hacking. Map domains with fake ones at the end of the file. (Note: '#' is used to comment the line. do not use # in front of the fake mapping) :

# Save the file and replace it with original one located in 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc'
# Finally, try to open website in browser now.

Hint: You can map WWW.Google.com with 'Wikipedia'
Ip address. So, you get Wikipedia page instead of Google. Try once!