Awesome cydia tweaks for iOS 8.3 ....Part #2

Here you go, this is the part #2 of some of the great cydia tweaks for your iOS 8.3. In case, if you have missed here the Part #1.  So, lets get the ball rolling...

#8 CyDelete
This app enables you to easily uninstall the cydia apps just like the regular appstore app.

#9 GroovyLock
This is an easily customizable lockscreen with bunch of awesome themes. but you have to download lockscreens from cydia.

#10 Hide Labels
This tweaks enables user to hide labels of all the icons including dock.

#11 HideMe8
Amazing app lets you hide almost anything in your device like notifications bar, icons in control bar, icon labels, and extras in lockscreen. You can hide   almost everything. Really awesome one.

#12 IconBundles
Have you ever faced problems with winterboard themes like when you applied theme, some of the icons did not change as per theme. Then, you definitely need this tweak.  This is a bunch of icon bundles with lots of different styles which works perfectly with your theme.

#13 IntelliID
Great tweak! As good as truecall to let you know about details of unknown callers. But only works in USA.

#14 PreferenceOrganizer 2
Whenever you open setting, you have to scroll down and down and down because of more number of cydia tweak and appstore apps right? This app categorize the apps as a group like Apple apps, Social apps, Tweaks,  Appstore apps.. just like below. Really Awesome.

If you want to know anything about anything.. tell me.. i will definitely post it.